Volunteers Are Key!
Without the dedication of our faithful volunteers, the Sheldon Museum and Cultural Center would not be able to operate half as well as it does. Thank you for all the hard work through the years, and in advance for all the years to come!
Like most non-profit organization, the Sheldon Museum operates on a tight budget. Volunteers make all the difference!
Interested in Volunteering?
We have many projects for volunteers: working the reception or store, scanning photographs, identifying photographs, digitizing and transcribing oral histories, archival work, research, gardening and grounds, and painting and building projects or helping with special events.
We’re happy to work with your schedule and make it a rewarding experience for all!
Please email or call the Operations Coordinator Dan Mahoney at operations@sheldonmuseum.net, or (907)766-2366.
Apply to be a board member here
A non-profit organization, the Sheldon Museum and Cultural Center, Inc., like most museums, operates on a tight budget. Contributions to the Museum can be general in nature, or go toward our Endowment Fund, the care of our collection or a special project.
Suggested donation: $25 or more.
We now accept all major credit cards.
All contributions to the Sheldon Museum are tax deductible (5O1(c)(3). Ask and we’ll be happy to email a receipt to you.
Hands on History
A New Volunteer Opportunity
Call Dan at 907-766-2366 to get involved
Hands on History
A special volunteer project has started at the museum! We need history and photography enthusiasts to screen our collection of 12,300 historic photos and select photos for our slide shows that will show on a photography exhibit on the new flat screen televisions and hang in our main gallery.

A $2,400 gift from the Chilkat Valley Community Foundation supports our Digital Access Capital Project. Gunalcheesh! CVCF
A Digital Access Capital Project
New flat screen televisions will display a hand picked gallery of our collection of historical photographs and we need your help choosing them! This is your chance to get your hands on actual history and be a part of our new technology and the new photography exhibit.